segunda-feira, setembro 16, 2024

viagem a Índia do yoga - 5a edição


Atualmente no mundo ocidental, no meio médico e científico são utilizadas com sucesso técnicas originárias do Yoga com foco no relaxamento, respiração e  meditação entre outras com o intuito de promover um bem-estar e saúde geral, nomeadamente no contexto da saúde mental. 

Apesar dos benefícios e dos estudos científicos comprovados até que ponto fará sentido ignorar a dimensão espiritual e relação com o Divino que sempre esteve presente no Yoga e Meditação enquanto cultura milenar do subcontinente indiano? De que forma isso será impactante e relevante? 

Após 20 anos de viagens à Índia do Yoga, o que nos continua a impactar e inspirar quer na forma de ensinar o Yoga quer na forma de viver a vida vem da inspiração de contacto com yogis, yoginis, sadhus, sadhvis e sannyasins que ainda vivem em zonas de difícil acesso na floresta, em grutas ou pequenas cabanas. 

A Índia é mencionada cada vez mais em livros, artigos, programas de tv, redes sociais, aulas, workshops e Formações de Yoga como o berço do Yoga, do Tantra, do Ayurveda e do Vedanta. Mas de entre tantas referências, o que é que se pode considerar fidedigno e realista? 

Nesse sentido, o objectivo desta viagem é praticar, estudar, vivenciar e conhecer o Yoga e as suas raízes. Não numa perspectiva turística mas com o intuito de ter uma experiência

pessoal e real do Yoga como é vivido e praticado actualmente na Índia, aprendendo

directamente com yogis que mantêm a tradição viva, perpetuando o estilo de vida

yogi nos mesmos locais desde à milhares de anos.

Iremos permanecer principalmente na zona de Rishikesh, que fica situada no sopé dos

Himalaias, às margens do rio Ganges e rodeada por montanhas. 

Numa época em que existem mais escolas, comunidades, professores de Yoga no

Ocidente do que no Oriente, que relevância/importância continua a ter ir à Índia no

contexto do Yoga?

O Convite é para vires e experienciares por ti mesm@ a resposta a esta questão numa viagem intimista e exclusiva reservada a 8 participantes.

Pré-inscrição (formulário online) link na bio 

ou por email

Saudações Yogis

Gonçalo e Marco

sábado, junho 15, 2024

SUP Yoga Teacher Training - 40h - Yoga Alliance Professionals with Marco Peralta* 22nd to 26th of July in Portugal


SUP Yoga Teacher Training - 40h -  Yoga Alliance Professionals with Marco Peralta*

22nd to 26th of July in Portugal

SUP means "Stand up paddle" . And SUP Yoga is the practice of yoga on top of a SUP board.

This is a unique way to experience Yoga in direct contact with nature.

Practice and training

- SUP and SUP Yoga in the Sea,  River and Lakes / Ponds

- Safety in the water

- Basic rules, safety regulations, "do" and "dont's", etc. in  SUP Yoga

- Practice and SUP yoga training at Sea (includes practical aspects of how to place and anchor the boards at sea, safety regulations,  sea currents, wind direction, etc.)

- Practice and SUP Yoga training in Rivers (includes practical aspects of how to place and anchor the boards in rivers,, safety standards, river currents, wind direction, etc.)

- Practice and SUP yoga training in Lakes and Ponds (includes practical aspects of how to place and anchor the boards, safety standards, currents, wind direction, etc.)

- Asana practice and training on the SUP board and using the board and the paddle as a support for the practice of Asana.

- Asana practice and training in standing, sitting, lying down and inverted postures on the SUP board

- Pranayama practice and training in the SUP board

- Practice and training of  kriyas, Bandhas, dristhis on a SUP board

- Practice and training of  Yoganidra and Meditation on a SUP board

- Using the SUP board as support  for all the practice of Yoga techniques.

Teaching methodology

Use of specific language to teach  SUP Yoga, and using the voice in open space(Nature).

Teaching  SUP Yoga to beginners

Using the paddling itself  as Yoga and Meditation

Building sequences and classes for SUP Yoga

Modifications and verbal adjustments for SUP Yoga

Principles of demonstration for SUP Yoga

Partner SUP Yoga

Philosophy and History relevant to SUP Yoga

Yoga origins in Nature

The ancient practice of doing Yoga on various surfaces (earth, water, air, etc.)

We are not divided /separated from what Nature Is.

The practice of SUP Yoga as an invitation to practice Yoga in Nature

Teaching Experience

Practical teaching training with colleagues in SUP Yoga training

Supervised teaching

Assistance in the teaching of practical classes / assisted education

More info:

quarta-feira, maio 15, 2024

Yoga of Death

 Yoga of Death

Yoga, Meditation and Philosophy in the face of loss, grief and your own Mortality.

40 hours* Specialization Course with Marco Peralta, certified by @yogaallianceprofessionals
Syllabus: - Eastern and western views on loss, grief and death. - Cremation ground and graveyard Moksha. - The Greeks and the Indians philosophers: same same but different. - Shiva and Dionisius. - Yoga and Meditation practices to deal with loss, grief and our own Mortality. - Only the Present Moment is our Happiness. -   Views about loss, grieve and your own mortality in ancient philosophical texts: East and West. - Nihil Perditi - I have lost nothing. - You will die / You don't know when / You can't take anything with you. - Views for the end of the journey: East and West. - Supporting others facing loss, grief and their own mortality. - Self care while supporting others facing loss, grief and their own mortality. - Maha Samadhi. - The Myth of Sisyphus.

* 5 online meetings of 2h30 hours beginning in September 2024. 5 days residential retreat in Rishikesh, India (from the 9th to the 13th of December 2024) More info: Limited to 12 participants

quinta-feira, maio 02, 2024

Kirtan & Japa

 Kirtan & Japa 
40 hours Specialization Course
With Marco Peralta and Eugénia Palma


 - History and Philosophy of Kirtan

 - Different types of Kirtan

 - Diferent ways to practice and guide Kirtan

 - Kirtan as personal Sadhana

 - Bhava in Kirtan 

- Bhava Samadhi

-  Bhakti Yoga

-  Kirtan in your mother tongue

-   The practice of Kirtan and Japa in a Yoga class

-  History and Philosophy of Japa

 - Different types of Japa

 - Various ways to practice and guide Japa 

- Japa as personal Sadhana

 - Japa mala: different types and functions 

- Gomukhi

-  Likhita Mantra

-  Bija Mantras 

-  Anusthana 

More info:

quinta-feira, fevereiro 08, 2024

Yoga of Death

                                                                    Yoga of Death

Yoga, Meditation and Philosophy in the face of loss, grief and your own Mortality

40h Specialization Course with Marco Peralta


- Eastern and western views on loss, grief and death.

- Cremation ground and graveyard Moksha.

- The Greeks and the Indians philosophers: same same but different.

- Shiva and Dionisius.

- Yoga and Meditation practices to deal with loss, grief and our own Mortality.

- Only the Present Moment is our Happiness.

-   Views about loss, grieve and your own mortality in ancient philosophical texts:

 eastern and western.

- Nihil Perditi - I have lost nothing.

- You will die / You don't know when / You can't take anything with you.

- Views for the end of the journey: East and West.

- Supporting others facing loss, grief and their own mortality.

- Self care while supporting others facing loss, grief and their own mortality.

- Maha Samadhi.

- The Myth of Sisyphus.

More info:

sábado, maio 29, 2021

25 Anos de Gratidão - 25 Years of Gratitude

 25 Anos de Gratidão - 25 Years of Gratitude

(English below) Queria te agradecer a Ti! Sim a Ti <3 Que participaste numa aula, workshop, retiro, curso, satsanga, palestra ou viagem comigo. A Ti! Que contribuíste para divulgar, apoiar, incentivar, organizar ou recomendar algum evento ou curso meu. Sim Tu <3 Comecei a praticar Yoga e Meditação por livros em 1995 após uma busca existencial iniciada pela morte de um dos meus melhores amigos. Este mês faz 25 anos desde que fiz a minha primeira prática de Yoga com um professor, comecei a ensinar Yoga e Meditação nesse mesmo ano a convite da minha professora com quem praticava regularmente na altura. Continuei nos anos seguintes a minha prática, investigação e formação em Yoga e Meditação, fazendo formação e visitando professores e professoras de diferentes escolas e perspectivas filosóficas em Portugal, Brasil, Reino Unido, Grécia e Índia. Nestes últimos 25 anos de ensino, partilhei milhares e milhares de horas de Yoga e Meditação com milhares de Human@s em aulas, palestras, eventos, workshops, satsangas, retiros, viagens à Índia e formações profissionais. Nestes 25 anos tornei-me Senior Yoga Teacher e Trainer Pro pela Yoga Alliance Professionals. Formei centenas de professores e professoras nas áreas de Yoga, Meditação, Yoga na Gravidez, Yoga Terapia e Sup Yoga. Lancei dois cds de pratica : Yoganidra - descontração profunda (2006) e Meditações Guiadas - Sê Quem Tu És (2014). Nestes 25 anos nasceram e morreram pessoas que Amo Muito, familiares e amig@s. Fui pai duas vezes, primeiro de um menino agora com 15 anos e de uma menina agora com 7 anos e morreu a minha irmã. Muita coisa aconteceu e outras nunca chegaram a acontecer nestes 25 anos... Nestes 25 anos amei e fui amado, amo e sou amado, esclareci-me e iludi-me, chorei e ri, ensinei e aprendi, expressei e fiquei em silêncio e todos os outros movimentos e experiências que constituem a Vida Humana, mas acima de tudo e apesar de tudo continuei e continuo a Investigar, Inquirir, Estudar e Meditar e a partilhar a experiência dessa Investigação e Meditação com outr@s Human@s. Não o conseguiria ter feito sem Ti! Gratidão <3 Abraço-Te Agora no Fundo do Coração p.s- em modo de celebração destes 25 anos foi lançado um site onde estará disponível a informação sobre o que vou fazendo e investigando. Aqui: 25 Years of Gratitude I wanted to thank you! Yes You <3 That participated in a class, workshop, retreat, course, satsang, lecture or trip with me. You! That contributed to publicize, support, encourage, organize or recommend any event or course done by me. Yes You <3 I started practicing Yoga and Meditation from books in 1995 after an existential search started by the death of one of my best friends. This month makes 25 years since I did my first Yoga practice with a teacher, I started teaching Yoga and Meditation that same year at the invitation of my teacher with whom I practiced regularly at the time. In the following years, I continued my practice, research and training in Yoga and Meditation, doing teacher trainings and visiting teachers from different schools and philosophical perspectives in Portugal, Brazil, United Kingdom, Greece and India. In these last 25 years of teaching, I have shared thousands and thousands of hours of Yoga and Meditation with thousands of Humans in classes, lectures, events, workshops, satsangs, retreats, trips to India and teacher trainings. In these 25 years I have become a Senior Yoga Teacher and Trainer Pro by Yoga Alliance Professionals. I trained hundreds of teachers in the areas of Yoga, Meditation, Pregnancy Yoga, Yoga Therapy and Sup Yoga. I released two practice CDs: Yoganidra - deep relaxation (2006) and Guided Meditations - Be Who You Are (2014). In these 25 years, people I love very much were born and died, family and friends. I was a father twice, first of a boy now 15 years old and a girl now 7 years old and my sister died. A lot has happened and others things end up never happening in these 25 years ... In these 25 years I have loved and been loved, I love and I am loved, I clarified and deluded myself, I cried and laughed, I taught and learned, I expressed and remained silent, I questioned and question What do I Know? and all the other movements and experiences that constitute Human Life, but above all everything and despite everything I continued to Investigate, Inquire, Study and Meditate and to share the experience of this Investigation and Meditation with other Humans. I couldn't have done it without You! Gratitude <3 Big Hug in Your Heart Marco Peralta p.s- as a celebration of these 25 years, a website was launched where information about what I am doing and investigating will be available. Here:

sexta-feira, março 05, 2021

 Olá a Tod@s,

Os resultados das candidaturas à Bolsa Sara Peralta Antunes para o estudo do Yoga e Meditação do ano 2021/22 foram enviados hoje por email.

Agradeçendo profundamente a tod@s que apoiaram, divulgaram e contribuiram para que esta Bolsa seja uma Realidade, não só permitindo o estudo do Yoga e Meditação a quem recebe e já recebeu a Bolsa mas também honrando a memória

da minha irmã  Sara Peralta Antunes e a memória  de tod@s @s que perderam a Vida nos incêndios de 2017 e de tod@s @s que ficaram ferid@s ou foram impactados por essa tragédia.

Que Todos os Seres estejam Bem, Felizes e Livres de Sofrimento.

Abraço  no Coração 

Marco Peralta