quinta-feira, maio 02, 2024

Kirtan & Japa

 Kirtan & Japa 
40 hours Specialization Course
With Marco Peralta and Eugénia Palma


 - History and Philosophy of Kirtan

 - Different types of Kirtan

 - Diferent ways to practice and guide Kirtan

 - Kirtan as personal Sadhana

 - Bhava in Kirtan 

- Bhava Samadhi

-  Bhakti Yoga

-  Kirtan in your mother tongue

-   The practice of Kirtan and Japa in a Yoga class

-  History and Philosophy of Japa

 - Different types of Japa

 - Various ways to practice and guide Japa 

- Japa as personal Sadhana

 - Japa mala: different types and functions 

- Gomukhi

-  Likhita Mantra

-  Bija Mantras 

-  Anusthana 

More info: marcoperaltayoga@gmail.com

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